- [S1] William Bradley Holcombe, Birth Certificate 110-81-003931, State of Georgia.
- [S3] James H. Holcombe, Jr., Birth Certificate 215856, Sept 9, 1947, Texas Bureau of Vital Statistics.
- [S4] Molly Chappelle Moore, Birth Certificate 47678, Texas Bureau of Vital Statistics.
- [S5] James H. Holcombe, Jr., Baptism Certificate, September 3, 1947, unknown cd, St. Mary's Church, 115 E. Eagle Lane, Sherman, TX.
- [S6] Natalie Ann Holcombe, Birth Certificate 110-87-094337, 10 Dec 1987, Georgia Dept. of Human Resources, Vital Records Svc.
- [S7] Randal Hill Holcombe, Birth Certificate 132-52-001714, Feb 7, 1952, NC State Board of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics.
- [S8] Joseph Lanman Holcombe, Birth Certificate 145-49-014730, Virginia Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Richmand, VA.
- [S9] Obituary of Lt. Col. J. H. Holcombe, Newberry Observer, Newberry, SC (Nov 2, 1976).
- [S10] James Hallowell Holcombe, Birth Certificate 26-5328 #48, Oct 6, 1916, Cumberland County Register, Vol 3, Page 434.
- [S11] Nan Norton Moore, Death Certificate 88-498, Oct 28, 1988, Collin County, Texas.
- [S12] Harry Claude Moore, Jr., Birth Certificate 571657, Dec 6, 1965, Division of Health, Jefferson City, Missouri.
- [S13] Obituary of Nan Norton Moore, McKinney Courier-Gazette, McKinney, Texas (Oct 23, 1988).
- [S14] Obituary of Frank Lanman Holcombe, North Carolina Holstein News, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (3Q 1952).
- [S15] Obituary of Frank Lanman Holcombe, News and Observer, Raleigh, North Carolina (June 15, 1952).
- [S16] Marriage of Miss Jane Holcombe, The Fayetteville Observer, Fayetteville, North Carolina.
- [S17] Obituary of Harold Milton Holcombe, The Sun News, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (August 26, 1991).
- [S19] Anna Josephne Skinner, Baptismal Record, 14 Nov 1915, unknown cd, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Mobile, Alabama.
- [S20] Joseph E. Skinner to Margaret R. McCafferty, Certificate of Marriage, 12 Nov 1913, unknown cd.
- [S21] Obituary of Samuel Slade Hooks, Sr., Mobile Register, Mobile, Alabama (Dec 17, 1995).
- [S22] "Judge Pynchon's Marriage Record:1685-1711," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 123 (169).
- [S23] Jesse Seaver, The Holcomb(e) Genealogy (American Historical-Genealogical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1925), unknown cd.
- [S24] Charles Allen Converse., Some of the Ancestors and Descendants of Samuel Converse, Jr., of Thompson Parish, Kiliingly, Conn. (Eben Putnam, Publisher, Salem Press Co. Salem, Mass., 1905), unknown cd.
- [S25] Elizabeth Weir McPherson, The Holcombes, Nation Builders (1947), unknown cd.
- [S26] Raleigh Travers Green, Genealogical and Historical Notes on Culpeper County, Virginia (Regional Publishing Company, Baltimore), unknown cd.
- [S27] William Wade Hinshaw, Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Company, 1969).
- [S28] Joseph W. Watson., Abstracts of Early Deeds of Edgecombe County, North Carolina 1759-1772.
- [S29] Pauline Jones Gandrud., Alabama Records, Volume 39, Marengo County.
- [S30] Marilyn Davis Barefield., Clarke County, Alabama, Records 1814-1885 (Easley, SC: Southern Historical Press, 1983).
- [S31] Mobile City Court Records, Book 5, Page 347 11/29/1858.
- [S32] Patrick McCafferty, Death Certificate #907, October 20, 1877, Health Department of the City of Mobile, Mobile, Alabama.
- [S33] 1860 Federal Census.
- [S34] Margaret A. McCafferty, Death Certificate 9 August 1880, Health Department of the City of Mobile, Mobile, Alabama.
- [S35] 1900 Federal Census.
- [S36] Joseph Edward Skinner, Probate Court Book 45, Page 421, Mobile County, Mobile, Alabama.
- [S37] John as undertaker and sexton.
- [S38] 1860 Federal Census.
- [S39] 1920 Federal Census.
- [S40] Atlanta Journal/Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia (5 Feb 1997).
- [S41] Sebastian Visscher Talcott, Talcott Pedigree in England and America from 1558 to 1876 (Weed, Parsons and Company, Albany, NY, 1876), unknown cd.
- [S42] Donald Lines Jacobus and Edgar Francis Waterman, Hale, House and Related Families, Mainly of the Connecticut River Valley (The Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, Connecticut, 1952.), unknown cd.
- [S44] George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe's Earlier Posterity," The American Genealogist Vol. 57, No. 2 (April 1981): 66 f.
- [S45] Albert C. Bates., Simsbury, Connecticut, Births, Marriages and Deaths (1898).
- [S47] Kenneth H. Thomas, Jr., "Smith-Murray and related lines," Georgia Family Lines.
- [S48] Kenneth H. Thomas, Jr., "Georgia Family Lines: Carter-Gordy," Georgia Life (Winter, 1976): 40-46.
- [S49] Kenneth H. Thomas, Jr., "Georgia Family Lines: Carter-Gordy," Georgia Life Vol. 3, No. 3 (Winter, 1976): 40-46.
- [S50] Kenneth H. Thomas, Jr., "Georgia Family Lines: Smith-Murray," Georgia Life.
- [S51] Kenneth H. Thomas, Jr., "Carter-Gordy: An Update," Georgia Family Lines.
- [S52] Henry R. Stiles, A.M., M.D., History of Ancient Windsor, 2 Vols. (Picton Press, Camden, Maine).
- [S53] Noah A. Phelps, History of Simsbury, Granby & Canton from 1642 to 1845 unknown cd.
- [S54] News Article, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia (March 16, 1997).
- [S55] Maude Pinney Kuhns, The MARY AND JOHN (Rutland,Vermont, Charles E. Tuttle Company 1971), unknown cd.
- [S56] National Society of Founders and Patriots, (1919), text field for text added in Evidence window (Edit Text).
- [S57] The Heritage of Granby unknown cd.
- [S58] Andrew Henshaw Ward, Ward Family (Boston 1851), unknown cd.
- [S59] Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case and his Descendants (Decorah, Iowa: The Anundsen Publishing Co., 1991), unknown cd.
- [S60] Deanna Holcomb Bowman, Thomas Holcomb and Other Early Settlers of Simsbury, Ct.. Unknown cd.
- [S61] George E. McCracken, "Ancestry of President Rutherford B. Hayes," The American Genealogist 56 (1980): 160-169; 230-236.
- [S63] C. W. Hayes, George Hayes of Windsor (Buffalo, NY 1884), unknown cd.
- [S64] Mark Williams, A Tempest in a Small Town:The Myth and Reality of Country Life, Granby, Connecticut 1680-1940 (Granby, Connecticut: Salmon Brook Historical Society, 1996), unknown cd.
- [S65] Deanna Holcomb Bowman, Thomas Holcomb and other Simsbury, Connecticut Settlers, 2 vols, 2nd Edition.. (Colorado Springs, CO, 1988, 1996).
- [S66] Mark Williams, Granby Town Records, 1786-1853, 2 vols. (Granby, Connecticut:Salmon Brook Historical Society).
- [S67] 1850 Federal Census.
- [S68] 1870 Federal Census.
- [S69] Doris Seymour Wahl and Cynthia Walker Rummel, The Skinner Kinsmen, The Descendants of Richard Skinner of North Carolina (1958), unknown cd.
- [S70] George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe's Earlier Posterity," The American Genealogist Vol. 57, No 3. (July 1981): 160-169.
- [S71] George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe's Earlier Posterity," The American Genealogist Vol 57. No 4. (October, 1981): 225-229.
- [S72] Edith Austin Moore and William Allen Day, The Descendants of Richard Austin of Charlestown, Massachusetts unknown cd.
- [S74] Nancy S. McBride, Phelps-Marshall Kinship (McClure Press), unknown cd.
- [S75] Seth P. Holcombe, The Descendants of Phineas Holcomb (1759-1833) of New Hartford, Connecticut unknown cd.
- [S77] Julius Gay, A Record of the Descendants of John Clark of Farmington (1822), unknown cd.
- [S80] William N. Frey, Holcomb Family in Sycamore, DeKalb County, Illinois (1996), unknown cd.
- [S82] Gary Boyd Roberts and William Addams Reitwiesner, American Ancestors and Cousins of the Princess of Wales (Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc., Baltimore, MD), unknown cd.
- [S83] A. P. Case, A Brief Account of the Life of John Case at Maspeth Kills, LI (Windsor and Simsbury, CT, 1898), unknown cd.
- [S84] Benjamin Woodbridge Dwight, The History of the Descendants of Elder John Strong, of Northampton, Mass., Two Volumes. (Originally Published, Albany, NY 1871; reprinted by Gateway Press, Inc., Baltimore, 1984.).
- [S90] C.G. Hurlburt, Hurlburt Genealogy (George E. White, San Diego, CA, 1922), unknown cd.
- [S93] Robert Charles Anderson, "Congregations in Flight", The American Genealogist Volume 72, Nos. 3-4 (July/October 1997). Hereinafter cited as "TAG 72:3&4 Congregations."
- [S94] Nathaniel Goodwin, Genealogical Notes, or Contributions to the Family History of Some of the First Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.; Baltimore, MD; Library of Congress #75-76817; ISB #0-8063-0159-7.), unknown cd.
- [S95] Gary Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents (In cooperation with the New England Historic Genealogical Society, by Carl Boyer, 3rd; Santa Clarita, California; 1995; Library of Congress # 95-75183; ISBN # 0-936124-19-9), unknown cd.
- [S97] Seth P. Holcombe, Descendants of Hull Holcomb (Seth P. Holcombe, North Granby, CT; 1995), unknown cd.
- [S101] Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case and His Descendants (Ruth Cost Duncan, 1991), unknown cd.
- [S102] Clara Frances Babbitt
, 26-0-9, certificate # 11, March 20, 1934, State Board of Health.
- [S103] George E. McCracken, "William Buell & Early Descendants," The American Genealogist Volume 54, Nos 2 and 3, Whole Numbers 214 and 215. (April and July 1978).
- [S104] DAR, Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
- [S105] Patriot Judah Holcombe, Sr. Supplemental Application, 4 June 1991 Barbara Anne Brandes, 1601 Bluff Drive, Round Rock, TX 78681.
- [S106] Patriot Judah Holcombe, Sr. Application, 1 April 1946 Eloise Sloane, 28 Glenwood Blvd., Mansfield, OH.
- [S107] Patriot Judah Holcombe, Sr. Supplemental Application, October 27, 1930 Flora Phelps Gillett, Waterford, PA.
- [S108] Patriot Judah Holcombe, Sr. Application, April 18, 1934 Jessie Barden Paulson, 224 East Court, Flint, MI.
- [S111] Dianne Louise Houser, Birth Certificate June 4, 1946.
- [S114] Joseph L. and Dianne Louise (Houser) Holcombe, Marriage Certificate, July 24, 1971, unknown cd.
- [S116] Esther Griswold Grench and Robert Lewis French, The Griswold Family: The First Five Generatins in America (The Griswold Family Association, 1990), unknown cd.
- [S117] Frank Thistlethwaite, Dorset Pilgrims: The Story of West Country Pilgrims who went to new England in teh 17th Century (Heart of the Lakes Publishing, Interlaken, New York, 1993; ISBN 1-55787-099-3), unknown cd.
- [S120] Joseph E. Cornish, The History and Genealogy of the Cornish Families in America (Geo. H. Ellis Co., 272 Congress Street, Boston, MA), unknown cd.
- [S121] Judge Pelham St. George Bissell, 3rd, The Descendants of Captain John Bissell (Second Printing, Windsor Historical Society, September 1997), unknown cd.
- [S122] Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, 3 Volumes. (The New England Historic Genealogical Society; Boston 1995.).
- [S123] Emma Brockett Judd NSDAR Application Number 7395, December 17, 1894.
- [S125] Dora Marcia Spring Norton Supplemental Application 73223, March 13, 1909.
- [S127] Kate Humphrey Mapes Supplemental Application 244184, September 25, 1928.
- [S128] Doris Holcomb Zatti.
- [S129] Augusta Pettibone Bunett Buell Supplemental Application 61190.
- [S130] Evelyn Humphrey Ross Supplemental Application 226965, September 28, 1926.
- [S132] Chandler Wolcott, The Family of Henry Wolcott (The Genesee Press, 1912), unknown cd.
- [S133] George E. McCracken, "Thomas Buttolph's Earlier Descendants," The American Genealogist Vol. 58, No. 3 (July 1982): Pages 129-140, and 231-242.
- [S134] Fyrtle Stevens Hyde, F.A.S.G., "The English Origin of William Phelps of Dorchester, Mass., and Windsor, Conn., with Notes on his Marriages," The American Genealogist (July 1990).
- [S135] Judge Oliver Seymour Phelps, The Phelps Family of America and Their English Ancestors., Two Volumes. (Eagle Publishing Co., Pittsfield, Mass., 1899; Reprinted by the Higginson Book Company, Salem, MA.).
- [S137] Elisha Scott Loomis, Ph.D., Descendants of Joseph Loomis in America (1909, Berea, OH), unknown cd.
- [S138] Gale Ion Harris, Ph.D, "The Children of Captain Joseph and Mary (Stone) Fitch of Hartford and Windsor, Connecticut," The American Genealogist Volume 68, Number 1, Whole Number 269, and Volume 68, Number 2 (January 1993, and April 1993.): 1-10, and 95-105.
- [S140] Elias Loomis, LLD, Descendants by the Female Branches of Joseph Loomis, Two Volumes. (1880. Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor, New Haven, CT.).
- [S141] Gale Ion Harris, "John Edwards of Wethersfield, Connecticut," The New England Historical And Genealogical Register Volume 145 (October 1991): 317-341.
- [S144] Carol Laun, "There were TWO Lewis M. Holcombs in Granby, Ct.," The Connecticut Netmegger Volume 28, Number 2 (September 1995): 237-241.
- [S145] Carol Laun, "Mistakes, Mysteries, and Murder," The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 29, Number 2 (September 1996): 190-192.
- [S146] Donald Bergquist, "The Wolcotts of Windsor," The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 11, Number 1. (June 1978): 3-12.
- [S151] Gerald James Parsons, "The Early Parsons Families of the Connecticut Valley [Part Two]," The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 148, Whole Number 592 (October 1994): 345-360.
- [S153] Mortimer Elwyn Cooley, in collaboration with Lyman Edgar Cooley and Ernest Linwood Cooley, compiled by Vivien Bulloch Keatley, The Cooley Genealogy (The Tuttle Publishing Company, Inc, Reutland, VT, 1941), unknown cd.
- [S155] Willard S. Allen, Esq., "Samuel Allen, of Windsor, CT., and Some of His Descendants," The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 30 (October, 1876): 444 and following.
- [S157] James Earl Carter, Jr., Family of Wiley Carter, 1798-1998 (Darby Printing Co., Atlanta, GA 1998), unknown cd.
- [S158] The American Historical Company, Inc., Colonial and Revolutionary Lineages of America, (New York, 1965).
- [S161] Carol A. Laun, Burials in the Granby Center Cemetery, Granby, Connecticut (Granby Cemetery, Inc., 1998), unknown cd.
- [S162] Kathleen D. Fenton, "Thankful Holcombe, daughter of Nathaniel, and wife of Capt. Adonijah Burr," The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 30, Number 2 (September 1997): Pages 191-196.
- [S164] Carol Laun, Salmon Brook Historical Society Collections VI: The Holcomb Collection (The Salmon Brook Historical Society, 1998), unknown cd.
- [S165] Helen S. Ullman, "The Three Messengers: Henry, Andrew, and Edward: Clearing the Decks," The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 152, Whole Number 607 (July 1998): 353-372.
- [S169] Donald S. Barber, M.D., The Connecticut Barbers: A Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Barber of Windsor, Conn. (McDowell Publications, Utica, KY), unknown cd.
- [S170] Allen L. Startton, History of the Town of Isle La Motte, Vermont (Northlight Studio Press, Barre, VT, 1984.), unknown cd.
- [S172] Gary Boyd Roberts., Notable Kin, Volume Two (Carl Boyer, 3rd, Santa Clarita, CA 1999; Library of Congress # 98-76188; ISBN 0-936124-20-2).
- [S174] William Bradford Browne, The Babbitt Family History: 1643-1900 (C.A. Hack & Son, Taunton, MA, 1912), unknown cd.
- [S176] Gary Boyd Roberts, Genealogies of Connecticut Families, Two Volumes. (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD; 1983; Lib. of Cong. 83-80639; ISBN 0-8063-1027-8).
- [S178] Christina Bailey and Lorraine Cook White., The Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records (Genealogical Publishing co., Inc.; Baltimore, MD, 1999, LOC # 94-76197; ISBN # 0-8063-1591-1).
- [S182] Social Security Death Index.
- [S184] Mrs. Carol A. Laun, CSG #11841., "Reconsidering the Family of Consider Holcomb, Jr.," The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 32, Number 1. (June 1999): Pages 9-22.
- [S186] Charles C. Case, The Yankee Generations: A History of the Case Family in America (University Press of America, Inc. Washington, DC (Now MD), 1981; ISBN 0-8191-1947-4; LOC 81-40638.), unknown cd.
- [S187] Committee on Publication, Year-Book of the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution for 1891 (Connecticut society of the Sons of the American Revolution, 1892.), unknown cd.
- [S190] John G. Hunt, "Some Passengers of the MARY AND JOHN in 1630," National Genealogical Society Quarterly Volume 63, Number 1 (March 1975): 25-27.
- [S194] Margaret Harris Stover, C.G., "Marriage Extractions from the divorce Recordsof Hartford County Connecticut Superior Court 1755-1803," The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 28, Number 4 (March 1996): 572-581.
- [S200] Pat Raymond, On-line, Ulster Cemetery, Ulster, Bradford Co., PA; Ken & Kevin Chapman, Charlotte Stevens, Pat Raymond & Marolyn Cole, 1999.
- [S201] Pat Wilson Buck, On-Line, LeRoy Cemetery, LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA; Pat Wilson Buck and Ray Buck.
- [S202] Jennifer Browning, "Childhood, Then & Now," Ancestry Volume 17, No. 6 (November/December 1999): Pages 15-21.
- [S203] J. Hammond Trumbull LL.D.., The Memorial History of Hartford County Connecticut 1633-1884 (Edward L. Osgood, Boston, 1886), unknown cd.
- [S205] Albert Carlos Bates., Records of the Congregational Church in Turkey Hills, now the Town of East Granby, Connecticut, 1776-1858.
- [S206] Researched and Edited by Robert L. & Esther G. French; Complied by Coralee Griswold., TheGreswold Family, 12 Generatins in England (The Griswold Family Association, 116 Garden Street, Wethersfield, CT 06109; 1999.), unknown cd.
- [S207] World War I Draft applications on file at the National Archives, Atlanta, GA.
- [S208] Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, A Viets Genealogy, Dr. John Viets and His Descendants (Gateway Press, Inc. Baltimore, MD 1990), unknown cd.
- [S209] Myrtle Stevens Hyde, FASG, "Phelps Corrections," The American Genealogist Volume 75, No. 1, Whole Number 297. (January 2000): 26.
- [S211] Unknown subject, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S212] Unknown subject, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S213] Unknown subject, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S222] Unknown subject, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S223] Unknown subject, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S224] Records of the First Congregational Church, Photocopies, photocopied and held at the Salmon Brook Historical Society, Granby, CT, Carol Laun, Curator, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S227] Copied by C. G. Flanders, 15 October 1934, Granby Town Hall, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S229] Granby Vital Records, Page 8, line 3, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S231] Granby Cemetery Inscriptions, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S232] Granby Cemetery Inscriptions, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S235] Unknown subject, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S236] Unknown subject, photographic copies held by the Salmon Brook Historical Society, Carol Laun, curator., unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S240] Peter Haring Judd, The Hatch and Brood of Time: Five Phelps
Families in the Atlantic World, 1720-1880 (101 Newbury Street, Boston, MA: Newbury Street Press, 1999). Hereinafter cited as The Hatch and Brood of Time. - [S241] Jabez Haskell Hayden, Records of the Connecticut Line of the Hayden Family (Hartford, CT: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1888). Hereinafter cited as Hayden Family.
- [S242] Seth P. Holcombe, Descendants of Douglass Williams and Sophronia Holcomb 1808-1881 (n.p.: n.pub., 1990). Hereinafter cited as Douglass Williams.
- [S243] Rev. Charles Wells Hayes, George Hayes of Windsor and His Descendants (Buffalo, NY: Baker, Jones & Co., 1884). Hereinafter cited as George Hayes.
- [S244] John T. Fitch, Descendants of the Reverend James Fitch 1622-1702, Volume 1 The First Five Generations (Rockport, ME: Picton Press, 1996). Hereinafter cited as James Fitch Volume One.
- [S245] Dorothy Riker, online http://www.statelib.lib.in.us/WWW/INDIANA/GENEALOGY/…, unknown author (Indiana State Library).
- [S247] William Arthur Owen, "John Owen of Windsor, Conn., and Some of His Descendants," Genealogies of Connecticut Families From the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc. 1983, 1929), Volume II. Hereinafter cited as "Connecticut Families - Owen."
- [S248] Charles W. Hayes, "The Hayes Family of Windsor and Granby, CT," Genealogies of Connecticut Families From The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc 1983, October 1882), Volume II. Hereinafter cited as "Connecticut Families - Hayes."
- [S250] David Cummings, "Alexander Allyn of Windsor, Connecticut", The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 26, No. 1 (June 1993). Hereinafter cited as "Alexander Allyn."
- [S252] Judith L. Osborn, "Was Windsor, Connecticut Founder Humphrey Pinney a MARY & JOHN Passenger in 1630?", The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 26, No. 4 (March 1994). Hereinafter cited as "Humphrey Pinney."
- [S254] Kenneth Lord, Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Lord: an Original Proprietor and Founder of Hartford, Conn., in 1636 (New York: n.pub., 1946). Hereinafter cited as Thomas Lord.
- [S256] Albert C. Bates, compiler, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge his Church Record at Simsbury in Conn. 1697-1710 (Hartford, CT: Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1894). Hereinafter cited as Rev. Dudley Woodbridge.
- [S259] Unknown author, "A Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of Ambrose Fowler of Windsor, CT.", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Vol. 11 (July 1857). Hereinafter cited as "Ambrose Fowler."
- [S263] George McCracken, "Dr. Philip Reade and His Earlier Descendants", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Vol. 112 (April 1958). Hereinafter cited as "Philip Reade."
- [S265] Barbour, "Simsbury Marriages", The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 33, No. 1 (June 2000). Hereinafter cited as "Simsbury Marriages."
- [S266] Duane E. Wilson, The Messenger Family of New England, Being Some of the Descendants of the English Immigrant Edward Messenger (1617-1688) (Decorah, IA 52101: Anundsen Publishing Co., October 1999). Hereinafter cited as Edward Messenger.
- [S268] Carol Laun, "A Genealogical Mystery Solved: The Case of the Missing Mother-In-Law", The Connecticut Nutmegger 25:2, page 218 (September 1992). Hereinafter cited as "Ruth Holcombe."
- [S269] Patricia Morrow, "Bible Records", The Connecticut Nutmegger 21:4 (March 1989). Hereinafter cited as "Carlos Holcombe."
- [S270] Donna Siemiatkoski, "The Connecticut Valley Family of Little Miss 1565", The Connecticut Nutmegger 27:1 (June 1994). Hereinafter cited as "Eleanor Cook."
- [S275] Frederick Humphreys, The Humphreys Family in America (New York: Humphreys Print., 1884). Hereinafter cited as Humphreys.
- [S281] Helen Ullmann, "A Comedy of Errors: Griswold Confusion in Windsor, Connecticut", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 149, Whole Number 596 (October 1995). Hereinafter cited as "Noah Griswold."
- [S284] Obituary, The Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT. Hereinafter cited as Courant.
- [S289] Donald Barber, "Descendants of John Spencer," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, December 10, 2000. Hereinafter cited as "John Spencer."
- [S290] Bebe Hayes Garcia, "Descendants of Thomas Holcomb," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 11 Dec 2000. Hereinafter cited as "Bebe Hayes."
- [S296] Tom Crouch, The Bishop's Boys (500 Fifth Avenue, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, 1989). Hereinafter cited as Wright Brothers.
- [S298] Donald S. Barber, The Connecticut Barbers: A Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Barber of Windsor, Conn. (11129 Pleasant Ridge Rd. Utica, KY 42376: McDowell Publications, 2001). Hereinafter cited as Thomas Barber 2nd Ed.
- [S301] Unknown compiler, online unknown url, L. J. Stevens (WFT CD #1, Tree #5125).
- [S302] Douglas Richardson, "Evidence for Four Generations of a Matrilineal Line", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Volume CXLVIII, whole Number 591 (July 1994). Hereinafter cited as "Mary Cooke Talcott."
- [S304] Letter from John H. Watts Jr. (3605 N. Lindeke St., Spokane, WA 99205) to James H. Holcombe, February 2, 2001; unknown repository (unknown repository address).
- [S306] Nelson W. Evans, A History of Scioto County, Ohio, together with a Pioneer Record of Southern Ohio (Portsmouth, Ohio: Newlson W. Evans, 1903). Hereinafter cited as Scioto Co. OH.
- [S308] Wallace K. Ewing, "Descendants of Return Ira Holcombe," e-mail message from e-mail address (17007 Lincoln St., Grand Haven, MI 49417) to James H. Holcombe, 6 Feb 2001 (updated 2 Jan 2005). Hereinafter cited as "Return Ira Holcombe."
- [S309] From online database, Death Certificate unknown number, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Death Certificate Online.
- [S311] Unknown compiler, online http://www.familysearch.org, Mormon Church (Salt Lake City, UT).
- [S312] Virginia Mccormick, Scioto Company Descendants: Genealogies of the Original Proprietors of Worthington, Ohio (Worthington, Ohio: Cottonwood Publications, 1995). Hereinafter cited as Scioto Company Descendants.
- [S321] Gallia County, Ohio Marriages 1803-1900, online http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as Gallia Marriages.
- [S322] Carol Laun, "Penelope Holcombe," e-mail message from e-mail address (c/o Salmon Brook Historical Society) to James H. Holcombe, 9 March 2001. Hereinafter cited as "Penelope Holcombe."
- [S323] Zophar Holcombe by Kathy Stephens, online http://kstephens.topcities.com/holcomb6.htm. Hereinafter cited as Zophar Holcombe.
- [S325] Lucius M. Boltwood, History and Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Noble of Westfield, Massachusetts (Hartford, CT: Private, 1878). Hereinafter cited as Thomas Noble.
- [S327] Robert Griffen and Mitchell Alegre, Wolcott Genealogy (NY: The Society of Descendants of Henry Wolcott, 1986). Hereinafter cited as Wolcott Genealogy.
- [S331] Edwin Stanley Welles, compiler, Births, Marriages, and Deaths Returned from Hartford, Windsor, and Fairfield and Entered in the Early Land Records fo the Colony of Connecticut (Hartford, CT: Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1898). Hereinafter cited as Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield.
- [S335] Charles William Manwaring, A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Baltimore, MD, Library of Congress 94-74584: Reprinted in 1995 by the Genealogical Publishing Co., 1904 and 1906). Hereinafter cited as Manwaring.
- [S336] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com, unknown author (Provo, UT).
- [S343] David Jay Webber, "Major William Bradford's Second Wife", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 155, Whole Number 619 (July 2001). Hereinafter cited as "Widow Griswold."
- [S344] Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery Gravestone Inscriptions: Simsbury, Connecticut 1688-2000, I (Hopmeadow St., Simsbury, CT: Simsbury Free Library, 2001). Hereinafter cited as Simsbury Cemetery.
- [S348] Phil E. Chappell, A Genealogical History of the Chappell, Dickie, and other Kindred Families of Virginia (Kansas City: Tiernan-Havens Printing Co., 1895). Hereinafter cited as Chappell-Dickie.
- [S350] Phil E. Chappell, A Genealogical History of the Chappell, Dickie, and other Kindred Families of Virginia. 1635-1900, Revised (Kansas City, MO: Hudson-Kimberly Publishing Company, 1900). Hereinafter cited as Chappell Revised.
- [S353] Carol Laun, "Alderman Bible Record", The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 34, Number 2 (September 2001). Hereinafter cited as "Alderman Bible."
- [S356] Nancy Hanks Ewing compiled by Barbara Ewing Powell James Ewing - Pioneer (Newman, CA: Barbara Ewing Powell, 1994). Hereinafter cited as James Ewing.
- [S359] William Alderman Parker, Aldermans in America (Raleigh, NC: Edeards & Broughton Co., 1957). Hereinafter cited as Alderman.
- [S360] Unknown name of person, unknown record type unknown number, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Death Certificate.
- [S361] Michael C. Holcomb, Early Connecticut Holcombs in Ashtabula County, Ohio (Geneva, OH: A.C.G.S, 2001). Hereinafter cited as Holcombes in Ashtabula.
- [S362] 1880 Federal Census.
- [S363] 1910 Federal Census.
- [S364] Jon K. Holcombe, "Descendants of Mary Ann Eno," e-mail message from e-mail address (47206 Oak Place, Wellesley Island NY 13640) to James H. Holcombe, 10 Jan 2002. Hereinafter cited as "Eno, Mary Ann."
- [S369] The Strong Family Association of America Strong Family History Update, Thomas Strong and His Descendants, II (Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press, Inc., 1990). Hereinafter cited as Strong Update Vol 2.
- [S374] Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford County, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~pabradfo/heverly/hevtoc.htm. Hereinafter cited as Bradford Co., PA.
- [S377] Coralee Griswold The Griswold Family, The Sixth & Seventh Generations, I (116 Garden St., Wethersfield, CT 06109: The Griswold Famly Association, 2001). Hereinafter cited as Griswold 6 & 7 Vol 1.
- [S378] Unknown family info, Ebenezer Shaw Bible (No. 122, High Street: Mathew Carey, 1807); Salmon Brook Historical Society, Philadelphia, PA. Hereinafter cited as Ebenezer Shaw.
- [S386] Jean E. Swanson, "Descendants of Harry and Tryphena Holcombe", 29 Mar 2002 (414 12th St., Mendota, IL 61342). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Holcombe, Harry."
- [S388] 1930 Federal Census.
- [S392] William Webster and Melville Webster, History and Genealogy of the Gov. John Webster Family of Connecticut (Rochester, NY: E. R. Andrews Company, 1915). Hereinafter cited as Gov. John Webster.
- [S397] Holcombe-Wheeler, Bible Records of the Family of Rufus Holcombe (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date); Judy Schlicker, unknown location. Hereinafter cited as Rufus Holcombe.
- [S398] Edyth Beula Holcomb Sargent, e-mail, 4 July 2002, Lexington, OK.
- [S399] Jill Frieders, Descentant Report, 1 Jul 2001, 1331 30th St NW, Rochester, MN 55901; 507-280-7781.
- [S401] Helen Ullmann, "Hartford District Probate Records from 1750", The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 35, Number 1 (June 2002). Hereinafter cited as "Hartford Probate Records."
- [S406] Beulah Warner Russon, Our Banyan Tree (Utah: Utah Printing Co., after 1960). Hereinafter cited as Banyan Tree.
- [S408] Norbert R. Bankert, "More on the Identity of Abigail (Graves) Dibble, and Her Tragic Death and Suspicions of Witchcraft", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 155 (July 2001). Hereinafter cited as "Abigail Graves."
- [S409] Norb Bankert, online www.bankert.org, unknown author (6636 Fox Rd., Marcy, NY 13403), downloaded 5 October 2002.
- [S410] Justine Harwood Laquer, "Martha Ellsworth, Second Wife of John Osborn of Windsor, Connecticut", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 156, Whole Number 624 (October 2002). Hereinafter cited as "Martha Ellsworth."
- [S411] Lorraine Cook White, compiler, The Barbour Collection fo Connecticut Town Vital Records: Windsor 1637-1850 (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc., 2002). Hereinafter cited as Barbour: Windsor.
- [S414] Hon. Horace L. Moore, Andrew Moore of Poquonock and Windsor, Conn., and His Descendants (Lawrence, Kansas: Journal Publishing Co., 1903). Hereinafter cited as Andrew Moore.
- [S415] Robert Charles Anderson, "Focus on Windsor", Great Migration Newsletter Vol. 10, No. 1 (Jan-Mar 2001). Hereinafter cited as "Migration Newsletter: Windsor."
- [S416] Arthur Hastings Grant, The Grant Family: A Genealogical History of the Descendants of Matthew Grant of Windsor, Conn. (12 Liberty St. Poughkeepsie, NY: A. V. Haight, 1898). Hereinafter cited as Matthew Grant.
- [S417] Letter from Carol Laun (Granby, CT) to James Holcombe, December 2002; unknown repository (unknown repository address).
- [S418] Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case and His Descendants (Simsbury, CT: Simsbury Free Library, 2000). Hereinafter cited as John Case 2nd Edition.
- [S419] Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones (Granby, CT: Salmon Brook Historical Society, 2003). Hereinafter cited as Beneath These Stones.
- [S420] Carol Laun, "A Genealogical Mystery Solved: The Case of the Missing Mother-In-Law", The Connecticut Nutmegger Vol. 25, No. 2 (September 1992). Hereinafter cited as "Ruth Holcombe."
- [S422] Jr. Winfred R. Goddard, The Goddards of Granby Connecticut (San Diego, CA: n.pub., 1985). Hereinafter cited as Goddard.
- [S423] Letter from Kathleen D. Fenton (9459 Sargossa Place, Columbia, MD 21045) to James H. Holcombe, 7 February 2003; unknown repository (unknown repository address).
- [S426] John Homer Bliss, Genealogy of the Bliss Family in America (Norwich, CT: John Homer Bliss, 1881). Hereinafter cited as Bliss Family.
- [S432] Samuel M. Alvord, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Alexander Alvord (Webster, NY: A. d. Andrews, 1908). Hereinafter cited as Alvord.
- [S436] Burton W. Spear Search for the Passengers of the Mary & John, 7 (Toledo, Ohio: Burton W. Spear, 1987). Hereinafter cited as Mary and John 7.
- [S437] Unknown family info, Terry-Holcombe Bible (New York: American Bible Society, 1848); Salmon Brook Historical Society, New York. Hereinafter cited as Terry-Holcombe Bible.
- [S438] Donald Joseph Skinner, Plymouth Observer & Eccentric, Plymouth, MI, 20 July 2003, A5. Hereinafter cited as Plymouth Observer.

- [S440] Myrtle Stevens Hyde, "A Wolcott Correction", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Vol. 157; Whole Number 627 (July 2003). Hereinafter cited as "A Wolcott Correction."
- [S441] William Arthur Owen, "John Owen of Windsor Conn., and Some of His Descendants", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Vol. 83 (January 1929). Hereinafter cited as "John Owen."
- [S442] Helen Schatvet Ullmann, "Hartford District Probate Records from 1750", The Connecticut Nutmegger Vol. 36, No. 1 (June 2003). Hereinafter cited as "Nutmegger 36:1 Hartford Probate."
- [S453] Kathleen D. Fenton, "Abigail Graves, Daughter of William Graves, Wife of Samuel Dibble, and Mother of Abigail Dibble, Wife of George Hayes", The Connecticut Nutmegger Vol. 36, No. 2 (September 2003). Hereinafter cited as "Abigail Graves."
- [S454] Harry Claude Moore Jr., 571657 (6 Dec 1965).
- [S455] Harry Claude Moore Jr. entry, Certificate of Death, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as DC: Harry Claude Moore Jr.
- [S456] Nan Alsup Norton, Birth Certificate (1 Dec 1919), unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S460] Gerald James Parsons, "Were Joseph and Benjamin Parsons and David Wilton of Beaminster, Dorset, England, The New England Colonists?", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Vol. 143, Whole Number 570 (April 1989). Hereinafter cited as "Joseph Parsons."
- [S467] Judith Kay Price, "Ancestry of Judith Kay Price," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 18 October 2003. Hereinafter cited as "Judith Kay Price."
- [S469] Elizebeth B. Plimpton, compiler, Vital Records of Lyme, Connecticut to the Eng of the Year 1850 (Lyme, CT: The American Revolution Bicentennial Commission of Lyme Ct., 1976). Hereinafter cited as Lyme VR.
- [S473] Stephentown, Rensselear Co., NY, online http://stephentowngenealogy.com. Hereinafter cited as Stephentown.
- [S475] Zinn Tallie (Alsup) Norton, Death Certificate 92354 (14 Jan 1971), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as DC: Zinn Tallie Alsup.
- [S476] George Harvey Norton, Death Certificate 55751 (12 Jan 1942), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as DC: George Harvey Norton.
- [S477] Zinn Tallie (Alsup) Norton, Birth Certificate 509070 (22 June 1942), unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S478] Marriage Certificate: H. C. Moore and Nan Norton, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as MR: Moore-Norton.
- [S479] Marriage Certificate: George Harvey Norton and Zinn Tallie Alsup, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as MC: Norton - Alsup.
- [S480] Anne Josephine Skinner entry, Birth Certificate 1915-58-71 (9 July 1952), unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S481] Unknown volume, Baptismal Record: Anna Josephine Skinner, (14 Nov 1915), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as BapC: Anna Josephine Skinner.
- [S482] John Thomas McCafferty and Sallie A. McDonald marriage, 19 October 1982, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Unknown manuscript info.
- [S486] John T. Fitch, Descendants of the Reverend James Fitch 1622-1702, Volume 1 The First Five Generations, Second Edition (Rockport, ME: Picton Press, September 2003). Hereinafter cited as James Fitch Vol 1 2nd Ed.
- [S491] Ann Josephine Skinner, Death Certificate 89-011010 (22 May 1989), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as DC: Ann Josephine Skinner.
- [S492] James Hallowell Holcombe, Death Certificate 76-019979 (5 Nov 1976), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as DC: James Hallowell Holcombe.
- [S495] Amy Inez (Hallowell) Holcombe, Death Certificate 77-040842 (6 December 1977), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as DC: Inez Holcombe.
- [S499] Descendants of Joseph A. Graves and Jerusha Holcombe, online http://www.gravesfa.org/gen017.htm. Hereinafter cited as Jerusha Holcombe.
- [S500] Gary Boyd Roberts, The Royla Descents of 600 Immigrants to the American Colonies or the United States (1001 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21202: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 2004). Hereinafter cited as RD600 (2004).
- [S505] Natalie Somer, "Clark Genealogy," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 14 March 2004. Hereinafter cited as "Ralsamond Clark."
- [S506] Leroy E. Higley, The First Seven Generations of Higley Descendants (Weston, OH: Leroy E. Higley, May 2003). Hereinafter cited as John Higley.
- [S521] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com, William Richard Cutter (Provo, Utah), downloaded 1915.
- [S522] Letter from M. Diane Guildner (5106 23rd Ave. W., Everett, WA 98203) to James H. Holcombe Jr., 24 April 2004; unknown repository (unknown repository address).
- [S523] Kinship of Gary Boyd Roberts to Presidents and First Ladies, online http://www.newenglandancestors.org/articles/research/. Hereinafter cited as Gary Boyd Roberts.
- [S528] Ann Smith Lainhart and Robert S. Wakefield, Mayflower Families: William Bradford, unknown series (4 Winslow Street, Plymouth, MA 02360: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2004). Hereinafter cited as Mayflower Families: Bradford.
- [S529] George E. McCracken, "The Connecticut Willcocksons," The American Genealogist, No. 1, Vol. 59 (January 1983). Hereinafter cited as "Connecticut Willcocksons."
- [S533] Elisha S. Loomis, "The Second Wife Of Joseph Loomis of Windsor Conn.", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 92:203 (1938). Hereinafter cited as "Mary Sherwood."
- [S535] Donald Lines Jacobus History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, 1 (New Haven, CT: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Co., 1930-32, reprint with corrections October 1943). Hereinafter cited as Families of Old Fairfield.
- [S542] Leslie Albin, "Descendants of Dryden Holcombe," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 17 September 1999. Hereinafter cited as "Dryden Holcombe."
- [S546] Hillyer G. Norment, Descendants of John Hillyer of Windsor, Connecticut (Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press, Library of Congress No. 2004107934, 2004). Hereinafter cited as John Hillyer.
- [S549] Ancestry of George Walker Bush, online http://www.wargs.com/political/bush.html. Hereinafter cited as Wargs: George Walker Bush.
- [S556] James Hallowell Holcombe and Molly Chappelle Moore marriage, 1 November 1975, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Sacred Heart Cathedral by Rev. Alan J. Dash, Chancery No. 1050.
- [S558] Donald Edgar Holcomb, "Descendants of Collins Holcombe," e-mail message from e-mail address (7001 W. Palmer Lk. Dr., Brookly Center, MN 55429) to James H. Holcombe Jr., 16 Jan 2005. Hereinafter cited as "Collins Holcombe."
- [S574] Gary Boyd Roberts, "Presidential Kinships of Barbara (Pierce) Bush", New England Ancestors Vol. 5, No. 4 (Fall 2005). Hereinafter cited as "Barbara Bush."
- [S578] Frank B. Gay, The Descendants of John Drake of Windsor, Connecticut (Rutland, VT: The Tuttle Company, 1933). Hereinafter cited as John Drake.
- [S579] Jeanne S. Thornton, "Application for Membership, NSDAR, 460050", 5 Jun 1958 (Reno, Nevada). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Application 460050, NSDAR."
- [S582] Henry R. Stiles History of Ancient Windsor, Connecticut, I (NY: Charles B. Norton, 1859). Hereinafter cited as History of Ancient Windsor I.
- [S583] Carol Laun, "Holcomb Family Genealogy Papers", The Connecticut Nutmegger 38 (June 2005). Hereinafter cited as "Nutmegger 38:1 Holcomb Family."
- [S586] Justin Maitland, "Descendants of Samuel Pettibone," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 30 January 2006. Hereinafter cited as "Samuel Pettibone."
- [S588] Caroline Edith Holcombe and FredericK C. Case marriage, 22 February 1900, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Second Congregational Church.
- [S590] George E. McCracken, "Two Mary Cases and some of Their Early Descendants Names Alderman, Gleason and Phelps", New England Historical and Genealogical Register 122 (Jan 2968). Hereinafter cited as "Two Mary Cases."
- [S592] Louis Marinus Dewey, "Thomas Copley of Suffield, Conn., and Some of His Descendants", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 64 (July 1910). Hereinafter cited as "Thomas Copley."
- [S596] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx, Ancestry.com (Ancestry.com).
- [S602] Charles A. Rogers Jr., "Descendants of Anthony Rogers," e-mail message from e-mail address (4 Julian Dr., Athens, OH 45701-3661) to James Hallowell Holcombe Jr., 4 July 2006 and following. Hereinafter cited as "Anthony Rogers."
- [S614] Lee Dudley Martin, "Descendants of Exekial Dudley Case," e-mail message from e-mail address (3575 Edwards Road S., Greenwich, OH 44837) to James H. Holcombe, 15 November 2006. Hereinafter cited as "Ezekial Dudley Case."
- [S617] Richard C. Roberts, "King Philip's Indian War in New England (based on Michael Tougias' works)", Descendants of the Founders of Ancient Windsor Newsletter Volume XXIV, Number 1 (Fall 2006). Hereinafter cited as "King Philip's Indian War."
- [S618] Gary Boyd Roberts, The Royal Descents of 600 Immigrants to the American Colonies or the United States (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2004 with 2006 Adendum). Hereinafter cited as Royal Descents.
- [S621] Linda McCafferty, "Family of James Edgar McCafferty", 2 June 1997 (Mobile, AL). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "James Edgar McCafferty."
- [S622] James N. Granger, Launcelot Granger of Newbury, Mass., and Suffield, Conn. (Hartford, CT: Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1893). Hereinafter cited as Launcelot Granger.
- [S628] Unknown author, "unknown article title," Phelps Family News.
- [S641] Anderson Brandon and Reed, "The Ancestry of the Royally-Descended Mansfields of the Massachusetts Bay", The New England Historicl and Genealogical Register 155 (January 2001). Hereinafter cited as "Mansfields of the Massachusetts Bay."
- [S646] Robert Charles Anderson, "When Did The Great Migration End?", Great Migration Newsletter vol 14 nl 4 (October-December 2005). Hereinafter cited as "Great Migration: End."
- [S647] Jerry Lobdell, "Descendants of Dorcas Holcombe," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H.Holcombe, 5 February 2008. Hereinafter cited as "Dorcas Holcombe."
- [S658] Richard C. Roberts, "The Early Exploration of the Connecticut River Valley", Descendants of the Founders of Ancient Windsor Newsletter vol. XXV, no 3 (Spring 2008). Hereinafter cited as "Connecticut River Valley."
- [S662] Gale Ion Harris, "John Colt of Hrtford and Windsor, Conn.", The Amercian Genealogist vol. 80, no. 2 (April 2005). Hereinafter cited as "John Colt."
- [S663] Mary A. Elliott, The Descendants of William and Margaret Thompson (Hartford, CT: The Thompson Family Association, 1915). Hereinafter cited as Thompson Genealogy.
- [S671] Burton W. Spear, "Search for the Passengers of the MARY AND John of 1630", The Connecticut Netmegger vol 22, no 1 (June 1989). Hereinafter cited as "Search for Mary and John Passengers."
- [S672] City of Boston, compiler, Forth Report of the Commissioners of the City of Boston. 1880. Dorchester Town Records. Second Edition 1883 (39 ARch St., Boston: Rockwell and Churchill, 1883). Hereinafter cited as Dorchester Town Records.
- [S676] Gary Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents (Boston, MA: New England Historic and Genealogical Society, 2009 (2012 corrections)). Hereinafter cited as Presidents 2009 Edition.
- [S684] James I. Robertson Jr., General A. P. Hill: The Story of a Confederate Warrior (New York: Random House, Inc., 1987). Hereinafter cited as General A. P. Hill.
- [S685] Chet Leo Spencer, "The Spencer Family," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 25 March 2009. Hereinafter cited as "William Spencer."
- [S687] Thomas Dunmore Ayres, compiler, A Sense of Place: First Church Records (Simsbury, Connecticut: Simsbury Historical Society, 2009). Hereinafter cited as Simsbury First Church Records.
- [S691] Nancy J. Pennington, "Three Men Named Isaac Pehlps with Connections to Windsor, Connecticut", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 163, page 117 (April 2009). Hereinafter cited as "Isaac Phelps."
- [S694] Matthew Grant, Matthew Grant's Diary (231 Capitol Ave., Hartford, CT: Connecticut State Library, 16 dec 1681). Hereinafter cited as Grant's Diary.
- [S695] Edwin Stanley Welles, Births, Marriages and Deaths Returned from Hartford, Windsor and Fairfield and Entered in the EarlyLand Records of the Colony of Connecticut: Volumes I* and II of Land Records and no. D of Colonial Deeds (Hardford, CT: Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1898). Hereinafter cited as Welles.
- [S696] Patricia Jackson Westerfield, "Descendants of Austin Holcomb," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 19 June 2009. Hereinafter cited as "Austin Holcomb."
- [S697] Dorcas Aunger, "Descendants of Rachel Wright," e-mail message from e-mail address (Arcadia, CA) to James H. Holcombe, 29 July 2009. Hereinafter cited as "Rachel Wright."
- [S698] Donna Waldron, "Descendants of Aaron Moore Sr.," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 8 August 2009. Hereinafter cited as "Aaron Moore Sr."
- [S700] Homer W. Scott, "The Waramaug Reserve, Source of Daughter Towns", Newsletter of the Descendants of the Founders of Ancient Windsor vol. XXVI, no. 4 (Summer 2009). Hereinafter cited as "Waramaug Reserve."
- [S706] Carol Laun, "Three Thomas Holcombs of Granby," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 20 January 2010. Hereinafter cited as "Three Thomas Holcombs."
- [S708] George E. McCracken, "The Parents of Thomas Holcombe", The American Genealogist XXVI, No. 1 (online at NewEnglandAncestors.org) (January 1950). Hereinafter cited as "Thomas Holcombe."
- [S709] George E. McCracken, "Further Corrections to the New Holcombe Genealogy", The American Genealogist Vol. 28 (1952). Hereinafter cited as "Mary Holcombe."
- [S710] Gary Boyd Roberts The Royal Descents of 600 Immigrants to the American Colonies or the United States, II (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2008). Hereinafter cited as RD600.
- [S713] Rhonda R. McClure, The History of the Brigham Family (Boston, MA: Newbury Street Press, 2010). Hereinafter cited as Thomas Brigham.
- [S717] Kevin McBride, "A Brief History of the Pequot War", Descendants of the Founders of Ancient Windsor Newsletter Vol. XXVIII, No. 1 (Fall 2010). Hereinafter cited as "DFAW: Pequot War."
- [S721] Jim Schultz, "Descendants of Timothy Holcomb," e-mail message from e-mail address (Oregon, IL) to Jame H. Holcombe, 19 December 2010. Hereinafter cited as "Timothy Holcomb."
- [S723] Unknown compiler, online www.familysearch.org, unknown author (Salt Lake City, Utah).
- [S726] Rebecca Rector, "Researching Art & Craft: Allen Holcomb and his Daughter Collata Holcomb", American Ancestors: New England, New York, and Beyond vol. 12, no 1, pp. 37 - 39 (Winter 2011). Hereinafter cited as "AA: Allen Holcomb."
- [S727] Peggy R. Rogers, "Ancestry of Betsey Holcombe," e-mail message from e-mail address (700 Port St. #4111, Eston, MD) to James H. Holcombe, 12 February 2011. Hereinafter cited as "Betsey Holcombe."
- [S729] Carol Laun-Archivist Salmon Brook Historical Society, "Preliminary Research on the Descendants of Ozias Holcombe," e-mail message from e-mail address (P.O. Box 840, Granby, CT 06035) to James Hallowell Holcombe Jr., 7 March 2011 and 9 April 2011. Hereinafter cited as "Ozias Holcombe."
- [S735] Donald Lines Jacobus, "The Josiah Adkins Family", The American Genealogist Vol. 33, No. 4, Whole Number 132 (October 1957 (reprinted 1989 Picton Press)). Hereinafter cited as "Josiah Adkins."
- [S740] Cynthia Kay Hayes, "Descendants of Enoch Hayes," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 10 October 2011. Hereinafter cited as "Enoch Hayes."
- [S747] Carol Laun, "Possible Errors in the Family of David Holcombe," e-mail message from e-mail address (Salmonbrook Historical Society) to James Holcombe, 16 January 2012. Hereinafter cited as "David Holcombe."
- [S748] Robert J. Houser, State Death Certificate unknown number (2 May 2012), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as DC: Robert Houser.
- [S749] 1930 Federal Census.
- [S759] Dottie McCoy Rayhawk, "Family of Polly Case," e-mail message from e-mail address (Valley Center, CA) to James H. Holcombe, 8 April 2013. Hereinafter cited as "Polly Case."
- [S763] Nancy Pennington, "Isaac Phelps of Windsor, Connecticut, and Otis Massachusetts", The Connecticut Nutmegger Vol. 46, No. 1 (June 2013). Hereinafter cited as "Isaac Phelps."
- [S764] Chip Rowe, "Who Was Joel Holcomb of Wallingford, Connecticut", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Vol. 167, Nos. 667 and 668 (July and October 2013). Hereinafter cited as "Joel Holcomb."
- [S766] Francis Bacon Trowbridge, The Trowbridge Genealogy: History of the Trowbridge Family in America (New Haven, CT: n.pub., 1908). Hereinafter cited as Trowbridge Genealogy.
- [S767] Carol Laun, "Two Husbands Found", The Connecticut Nutmegger Vol. 46, No 2 (September 2013). Hereinafter cited as "Two Husbands Found."
- [S773] Frank F. Judd, Thomas Judd (1743-1828) A Connecticut Pioneer (Spanish Fork, UT: Frank F. Judd, February 204). Hereinafter cited as Thomas Judd.
- [S777] Barbara Jean Mathews, Descendants of Gov. Thomas Welles of Connecticut (Wethersfield, CT: Welles Family Association, 2013). Hereinafter cited as Gov. Thomas Welles.
- [S779] Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Immigrants to New England 1634-1635 (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2005). Hereinafter cited as Great Migration 634-1635.
- [S787] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.com.
- [S801] Linda MacLachlan, "Family of Sophia Holcombe and Capt. Joel Catlin," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 22 Oct 2013. Hereinafter cited as "Sopohia Holcombe."
- [S802] Linda MacLachlan, "The Family of Matthew Holcombe (1708-1781)," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 18 June 2013. Hereinafter cited as "Matthew Holcombe."
- [S803] Linda MacLachlan, New Copies of Old Records from Hebron Connecticut 1708-1875 (100 Railroad Ave. #104, Westminster, MD 21157: Heritage Books Ind., 2011). Hereinafter cited as Hebron Records.
- [S806] Linda MacLachlan, "Family of Richard Birge," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 22 October 2013. Hereinafter cited as "Richard Birge."
- [S807] Find A Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
- [S810] Edwin W. Strickland II, editor, Some Descendants of William Buell, Generations 1-8 (Windsor, CT: The Descendants of the Founders of Ancient Windsor, 2016). Hereinafter cited as William Buell, 1-8.
- [S812] Frank Lanman Holcombe and Amy Inez Hallowell marriage, 6 February 1914, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Unknown manuscript info.
- [S813] Carol Laun, "The Legend of Mary DeLacy - Was she the wife of Stephen Griffin and then his brother Benoni?", The Connecticut Nutmegger Vol 49, No 2 (Novembe 2016). Hereinafter cited as "Mary DeLacy."
- [S815] Alexander Bannerman Julie Helen Otto and Gary Boyd Roberts, "The Ancestry of President Donnald John Trump: An Initial Exploration", American Ancestors vol. 18, no. 1 (Spring 2017). Hereinafter cited as "President Donald Trump."
- [S817] Abstracts of Wills, Administrations and Guardianships in NY State, 1787 - 1835, online https://www.americanancestors.org/DB7/i/6907/227/0. Hereinafter cited as New York Abstract of Wills.
- [S822] Unknown family info, Bible of the Increase Holcombe Family (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date); Probably a daughter of Barbara J. Carney, unknown location. Hereinafter cited as Increase Holcombe Bible.
- [S824] Sumter County History, online http://sumtercountyhistory.com/marriage/MarrByHusb/…. Hereinafter cited as Sumter County History.
- [S826] Miss Sybil Spires Becomes Bride of William Carter III, Americus Times Recorder, Americus, GA, 23 August 1955, page 5. Hereinafter cited as Times Recorder.
- [S828] Marshall Family Bible, William Thomas Marshall and Mary Annabella Hails Bible (London, England: George E. Eyre and Willliam Spottiswoode, unknown publish date); unknown present owner, unknown location. Hereinafter cited as Marshall Bible.
- [S830] Marriage Certificate: James and Ann Holcombe photo; Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, unknown repository address.
- [S831] Kate Miriam Johnson, "Kate Miriam (Holcombe) Johnson DAR Application", 6 Feb 1924 (Aberdeen, NC). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "NSDAR: 198607, Kate Johnson."
- [S833] Patriot Judah Holcombe, Sr. Supplemental Application, 4 June 1991 Barbara Anne Brandes, 1601 Bluff Drive, Round Rock, TX 78681.
- [S836] Military Service Record, Form DD-214 for James Hallowell Holcombe Jr. (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as DD-214:James Holcombe.

- [S838] Wilton Chappelle Moore entry, Death Certificate for Wilton Chappell Moore, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as DC: Wilton Chappell Moore.

- [S839] Sarah Skinner Ferchaud, Death Certificate unknown number, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as DC: Sarah Skinner Ferchaud.
- [S840] Obituary of Jonathan Albert Scott, Unknown Newspaper, Dow City, Iowa, October 1926.
- [S841] Ellen Sophia Scott Was Buried, Dow City Review, Dow City, IA, 7 Aug 1928. Hereinafter cited as Review.
- [S842] The passing of W. G. Scott, Unknown Newspaper, Lexington, Morrow Co., OR.
- [S843] The Late Mr. Garland, Unknown Newspaper, Marlboro, Canada.
- [S844] John Scott Cemetery Headstone, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader.
- [S846] Sarah Gertrude McCafferty Skinner, Birth Certificate 101-1925-27189 (2 June 1925), unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S847] Miriam Converse Johnson Burlingame, "NSDAR Application of Miriam Converse Johnson Burlingame" (Aberdeen, Moore Co., NC). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "NSDAR: 690394, Miriam Johnson Burlingame."
- [S848] Clara H. Johnson, "DAR Application 198613 Clara Frances Babbitt Holcombe Johnson", 6 Feb 1924 (Aberdeen, Moore Co., NC). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "NSDAR: 198613, Clara H. Johnson."
- [S849] Harriette Asenath Case Welden, "NSDAR Application #27455 for Harriette Asenath Case Welden", 23 Jan 1899 (unknown compiler address). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "NSDAR: 27455, Harriette Asenath Case Welden."
- [S850] Nina D. Case, "NSDAR Application 140908 for Nina D. Case", 5 Jul 1918 (Simsbury, CT). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "NSDAR: 140908, Nina D. Case."
- [S851] Eva Elizabeth Case Hamm, "NSDAR Application 127293 for Eva Elizabeth Case Hamm", 11 Oct 1916 (Simsbury, CT). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "NSDAR: 127293, Eva Elizabeth Case Hamm."
- [S854] St. Vincent's Hospital Birth Certificate entry, Hospital Birth Certificate (24 August 1947), unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S855] Molly Chappelle Moore entry, Hospital Birth Certificate, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S856] James H. Holcombe and Molly C. Moore marriage, 1 Novembe 1975, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Unknown manuscript info.
- [S858] Allison Elizabeth Avery Powers, "NSDAR Application for Allison Elizabeth Avery Powers" (unknown compiler address). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "NSDAR: 838321, Allison Ellizabeth Avery Powers."
- [S859] Laura Lee Simmons, "NSDAR Application for Laura Lee Simmons" (unknown compiler address). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "NSDAR: 522470."
- [S860] Catherine Anna Bue-Hepner, "NSDAR Application for Catherine Anna Bue-Hepner" (unknown compiler address). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "NSDAR: 791973, Catherine Anna Bue-Hepner."
- [S861] Carla Ann Newbert Bue, "NSDAR Application for Carla Ann Newberth Bue" (unknown compiler address). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "NSDAR: 542552, Carla Ann Newberth Bue."
- [S862] Carol A. Laun, compiler, Burials in The Granby Center Cemetery Revised Edition (Granby, CT: Granby Cemetery, Inc., 2004). Hereinafter cited as Burials in the Granby Center Cemetery.
- [S864] Marriage Certificate: Amherst Lanman Holcombe and Clara Frances Babbitt, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as MC: Amherst Holcombe and Clara Babbitt.
- [S865] Ckara F. Johnson, Death Certificate unknown number (20 Mar 1934), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as DC: Clara F. Johnson.
- [S866] Marriage Certificate for Joseph Edward Skinner and Margaret Rose McCafferty, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as MC: Joseph Skinner and Margaret McCafferty.
- [S877] James Edson Corey, Corey Family History (n.p.: n.pub., 1980 by Kathryne Corey Simmons). Hereinafter cited as Corey.
- [S880] Barbour Collection of Vital Records - Barkhamsted, online http://www.rockvillemama.com/barkbarbour2.htm. Hereinafter cited as Barbour Collection - Barkhamsted.
- [S882] Nathan Gillett, 2002, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for unknown cd1.
- [S889] Randal Hill Holcombe entry, State of NC Birth Registration, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S890] Joseph Lewis Tosmeire, Mobile Press-Register, Mobile, AL, 25 Mar 2007. Hereinafter cited as Tonsmeire Obituary.
- [S893] David Williams, "The Virginia Ancestry of the "Southern" Holcomb(e)s", Magazine of Virginia Genealogy Vol. 56, No. 4 (Nov 208). Hereinafter cited as "Virginia Holcombes."
- [S895] Alice Lucinda Priest, "Jonathan and Nathan Gilletts' Descendants", New England Historic and Genealogical Society Register 100 and following (October 1946). Hereinafter cited as "Gilletts' Descendants."
- [S898] Edward Payson Jones, Genealogy of the Descendants of John Bissell of Windsor, Connecticut by 1640 (Hartford, CT: Roderick Bissell Jones, 1 March 1939). Hereinafter cited as John Bissell.
- [S899] Minot S. Giddings, The Giddings Family (Hartford, CT: Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1882). Hereinafter cited as Giddings Family.
- [S900] Lafayette Wallace Case, The Goodrich Family in America (n.p.: Goodrich Family Memorial Association, 1889). Hereinafter cited as Goodrich Family.
- [S904] Charles Hutchinson Thompson, A Genenalogy of Descendants of John Thomson of Plymouth, Mass. (Lansing, MI: Darious D. Thorps, 1890). Hereinafter cited as Descendants of John Thomson.
- [S907] Gary Boyd Roberts, The Mayflower 500: Five Hundred Notable Descendants of the Founding Families of the Mayflower (Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2020). Hereinafter cited as The Mayflower 500.
- [S908] Robert S. Wakefield, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Richard Warren - Part 1 Third Edition (Plymouth, MA: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2004). Hereinafter cited as Mayflower Families:Richard Warren.
- [S910] Evelyn Humphrey Ross, "Application 226965", 28 Sep 1926 (Omaha, NE). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "NSDAR: 226965."
- [S911] William Gilbert Hill, Family Record of Deacons James W. Converse and Elisha S. Converse (n.p.: n.pub., 1887). Hereinafter cited as Deacons Converse.
- [S913] Donna Holt Siemiatkoski, Some Notes on the Loomis Family, Sixth Edition (Windsor: DFAW, August 2014). Hereinafter cited as Loomis Notes.
- [S914] John Homer Bliss, Genealogy of the Bliss Family in America, from About the Year 1550 to 1880 (n.p.: John Homer Bliss, 1880). Hereinafter cited as Bliss Family.
- [S916] Robert L. & Esther G. French, The Greswold Family 12 Generations in England (Wethersfield, CT: The Griswold Family Association, 1999). Hereinafter cited as The Greswold Family.
- [S917] Richard C. Roberts, "Ahnentafel Between Matthew Grant And Hiram Ulysses Grant", Descendants of the Founders of Ancient Windsor Newsletter Vol. 39, No. 3 (Sprint 2022). Hereinafter cited as "Grant Ahnentafel."
- [S920] Richard C. Roberts, "Correcting Misinformation About Holcomb(e) Family Orignns", Newsletter of the Descendants of the Founders of Ancient Windsor Vol. 38, No. 1 (Spring 2021). Hereinafter cited as "Holcombe Family Origns."